All requirements for art
scouting events
Scout Badges & pins
Satisfy all of your scout art requirements @ The color Palette!

Class length: 1 hour
Scout Tigers: Stories in Shapes Elective Adventure
Scouts will complete adventure requirements 1 – 4 in one class by completing the following:
- Viewing and discussing the works of art in the studio’s art gallery
- Creating a canvas painting (using shapes) that they can take home with them!

Class length: 1.5 hours
Scout Webelos/AOL: Art Explosion! Elective Adventure
Scouts will complete adventure requirements 1-3 in one class by completing the following:
- Viewing and discussing the works of art in the studio’s art gallery
- Creating two self-portraits (pencil drawing & clay sculpture)
- Creating a canvas landscape painting of the outdoors
- Creating a canvas landscape painting of the outdoors
- Creating a freestanding sculpture using recycled materials
Participants will get to bring their portrait, clay sculpture & canvas painting home with them!